Annual Reporting of KRC-related Research Activities

Please use the form below to submit annual information related to your research involving the Kalahari Research Centre (KRC).  This information will be used for the annual report to our KRC funding agencies.

Please format as: Group/Lab Name, Department, University e.g., Large Animal Research Group, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge.
Please indicate the year you are providing data for, e.g., 2024.
Please provide a short summary (≲ 300 words) of your research-related activities at KRC for this reporting year, including main aims, observational/experimental approach with short methods, data analysis, preliminary/first results, future research. Please also state personnel on site and other collaborators involved.

Papers: published, in press, or under review

Reference Information format: Duncan, C., Thorley, J., Manser, M. B., & Clutton-Brock, T. (2023). Dominance loss and tenure maintenance in Kalahari meerkats. Behavioral Ecology, 34(6), 979-991.

Lay Summary: Please provide a short Lay Summary for each paper that can be used to highlight research to KRC funders, e.g., Zoo Zurich.

* Please add each paper separately. Click the add button to enter data for each additional entry.

Please provide a list of presentations for this reporting year, indicating if it was a talk or poster. For example:

1. Johnson-Ulrich, L., Demartsev, V., Averly, B., Mosia, R., Standburg-Peshkin, A., & Manser, M. “Communication drives collective movement decisions in meerkats.” [Talk] Behavior 2023. Bielefeld, Germany. August 2023.

2. …..

Please provide a list of theses for this reporting year. For example:

1. Rivera, J. (2022) Factors Affecting Litter Size and Reproductive Success in the Cape ground squirrel (Xerus inauris). MSc thesis, University of Zurich, (supervised by M. Manser and A. Lindholm).

2. …..

Please provide a list of grant applications for this reporting year, including the following information: the grant’s PI, where grants were submitted to, species, number of years requested, status. For example:

1. Name (PI), University of Zurich Postdoc Grant involving meerkats, 1 year (received July 2024).

2. Name (PI), ERC Starting Grant involving meerkats and yellow mongooses, 4 years (rejected August 2024).

3. Name (PI), NCCR Evolving Language Travel Grant, covering conference attendance to present on meerkat research (submitted December 2024).

Please provide a list of media coverage for this reporting year, e.g., newspaper article, press release, documentary, interview, etc., and include links where possible.
Please indicate which plans and collaborations will be involved in grant applications. For grant applications, please include the grant’s PI, where grants will be submitted, species, and number of years requested.