Please fill out the form below to preliminary book a reservation. First Name : * Last Name: * Email (required): * Invoice send to (if different from visitor e-mail): Phone: Adults: 1234 Children: 0123 Affiliated Project: Kalahari Meerkat ProjectZurich Meerkat ProjectMolerat ProjectCape Ground Squirrel ProjectKalahari Research TrustYellow Mongoose ProjectZurich Dispersal ProjectTung LabIndependentOther * Research / Function Type: VolunteerPost-docPhD studentMSc StudentManagerPrincipal InvestigatorTechnicianAssistantStaffFilm CrewFriends of MeerkatVisitorFamily/Friend of residentOther * Payment Allocation: Kalahari Meerkat ProjectZurich Meerkat ProjectMolerat ProjectCape Ground Squirrel ProjectYellow Mongoose ProjectZurich Dispersal ProjectKalahari Research TrustTung LabUniversity SourcePrivateTCB ArrangementMM Arrangement * Mode of transport to reserve: Own TransportTowntrip * Mode of transport off reserve: Own TransportTowntrip * Mode of transport while at reserve: NAOwn TransportKRC Vehicle (prior arrangement made)BicycleArranged on Site * Communal food option: Full CommunalHalf Communal (Dinner Only)Self Catering * Dietary Requirements: NoneVegetarianVeganOther (please specify) If other diet, please specify: Known Allergies: NoneGlutenDairyNutsAnimal HairPollenOther * If other allergy, please specify: Please select Accomodation Type, note that this is not a guarantee that this accommodation is available. Block RoomCottage RoomGV only: Rondavel Please select your applicable rate type, make sure before selecting "Low Rate" that you understand you have paid the reserve fees that were made in an agreement with the Kalahari Research Trust. If you not sure what to select, choose the Normal Rate. For more information click here for the Fee structure. Normal RateLow Rate Details: Please fill out the characters in the image. Please select the start and end date of your reservation. Calendar is loading... 21 - Available 21 - Booked 21 - Pending ยท 21 - Partially booked I Accept term and conditions