When you have new ideas or plans for a project or manuscript

  1. Use the “ProjectDescriptionTemplate.docx” to formulate a template document to be uploaded onto this form
  2. Give a brief description of the Project or Manuscript in the ‘Project Description’ field below.
  3. Name the document using the following template: “LastName_Plan_ShortTitle_MonthYearSubmitted“, e.g., “Thorley_Plan_Assortative mating in meerkats_June2019”
  4. Upload the plan at the bottom of this form.

When you have a manuscript draft or a published paper

  1. Put the abstract in the ‘Project Description’ field below.
  2. Name the documents using the following templates:
    • Manuscript draft: “LastName_Draft_ShortTitle_MonthYearSubmitted“, e.g., “Thorley_Draft_Assortative mating in meerkats_June2019”
    • Published paper: “LastName(s)_Year_ShortTitle“, e.g., “Thorley_2020_Assortative mating in meerkats”. For two authors, list both last names, and for three or more authors, use ‘et al.’, e.g., “Thorley et al._2020_Assortative mating in meerkats”.
  3. For published papers, please include a Lay Summary of the paper which can be included in the KRC’s annual report and shared with KRC funders. This required field will appear once the ‘Published’ option is selected as the Document Type.
  4. Upload the draft or published paper at the bottom of this form.
Please format: Group/Lab Name, Department, University e.g., Large Animal Research Group, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge.
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